
Friday, July 15, 2011

A Night of Fine Wine!!!

Director Shikha's Creation!!!
The invitation said casually elegant and the night sky seemed to complied to provide the most fitting evening, light sprinkle and all. Rotarians, Rotaractors and Guest gathered at 31 Russel Heights to celebrate the Installation of the 2011/2012 Board of the Rotaract Club of New Kingston. The evenings proceedings were chaired by the ever vibrant District Secretary Tamieka Grant and commenced with the singing of the National Anthem followed by the Four Way Test and Rotaract Grace. President Gareth Burrowes did the welcome which was followed by Greetings from Rotary Club of New Kingston President Richard Pandohie, Assistant Governor Jamaica South Central District 7020 Rotarian Ruth Palmer and District Rotaract Representative Keitho Nembhard. The Year in Review was in the form of a video presentation created by Secretary Shikha and President Gareth which showcased the achievements of the superheroes of the 2010/2011 Board. 

President Gareth then presented the 2010/2011 Awards:
Service Above Self - Rotaractor Ana Miles
For the tremendous work done with Early Act - PP Julie Ramchandani
Director of the Year - Director Dane Anderson
Rotaractor of the Year - Director Ryan McKenize
President's Award - Shikha Lachmandas
Some of the Nights Awardees
All the Awardees

President Gareth also made a presentation to the Rotary Club of New Kingston for service to the Rotaract Club of New Kingston. 
The awards ceremony ushered the installation of President Suresh Martin by Rotary Club of New Kingston President Richard. The new president then did his first official duty and installed his board:

Vice President - Travis Graham
Secretary - Shana Reid
Treasurer: Leighton Facey
Sergeant At Arms - Omar Gordon
Immediate Past President - Gareth Burrowes

Club Service Director - Ryan McKenzie
Community Service Director - Julie Ramchandani
Fundraising Director - Shikha Lachmandas
Professional Service Director - Ward Simons
International Service Director -Saran Hunter
Public Relations Director - Shana Reid

President Suresh did his second duty of the night and delivered his presidential charge. The vote of thanks was moved by Rotaractor Donelle Christian. President Suresh ended the formal portion of the evening with his closing remarks and a toast to the Rotaract Club of Liguanea Plains. Fellowship followed poolside fueled by delightful finger food and fine wine!!!

Highlights of the evening: Tamieka giving Mr. and Mrs. Martin the top 5 rules of being the Parents of a NKRC President; the evening's fellowship and the snippet DRR Keitho gave of his poetic skills.

Here are my photo highlights: 
MC Tamieka Grant

President Suresh Martin

And the hottest lady of the night...Rotaractor Paulette from Rotaract Club of St. Andrew

Rotaract Club of St. Andrew

The lovely ladies of Rotaract Club of Liguanea Plains

Myself, Ana and Paige

Paige, Tamieka, Travis, Julie and Omar

My Rotaract Family

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Congrats Rotaract Club of St. Andrew!!!! *throws confetti*

It always great to start a new journey and last nights the Rotaract Club of St.Andrew  embarked on a new voyage with a new Captain at the Helm. The event was the brainchild of Club Service Director Ammesha Samuels and her fabulous team and it all came together in fine style. The Villagio was the ideal setting, its elegance was befitting to the Rotaract standard and was outdone only by the beauty of the persons which sat within the confines of its walls. The ceremony was structured in a manner that did not seems to encourage the constant checking of watches and the Master of Ceremonies Ms. Dania Beckford a.k.a First Lady Briscoe held her audience from start to end.

The Head Table

The ceremony began with the Rotaract Prayer, National Anthem and The Four Way Test followed by Greetings from Rotary Club of St. Andrew President Elect Robert Drummond and DRR Keitho Nembhard. PP Roger Young outgoing president's speech which was read by VP Candice Stewart preceeded the ceremonial changing of the guards by Rotary Club of St. Andrew PE Richard Drummond. This was followed by the Induction of the New Board and three new members. President Austin Briscoe then delivered his charge to his New Board and Rotaractors. Rotaractor Paige Jackson was bestowed with the honour of introducing the guest speaker and the evening culminated with the discourse of  Mr. Stephen Wittingham, C.E.O Island Ice and Beverage Company, as he encouraged the attendees to consider entrepreneurship and highlighted its similarities to the mandates of Rotaract. The vote of thanks was moved by Club Service Director and Event Coordinator Ammesha Samuels. The evening ended with closing remarks from Ms. Beckford and a toast by Rotaractor Kursten.
Rotary Club of St. Andrew President Elect Robert Drummond pinning Rotaract Club of St. Andrew Presdent Austin Briscoe

The high points of the night for me were the recognition of the  Rotaractors who exhibited excellence during the past Rotaract Year 2010/2011, the addition of 3 new Rotaractors to the District 7020 Family and the introduction of District Representatives Candice, Austin and Mark by DRR Keitho.

Here are my photo highlights:

 New Kingston Rotaract Club: Myself, Director Dane and Rotaract Ana
 Myself and my fab femme Rotaractor Paige

RCSA Rookie of the year Rotaractor Paulette and Rotaractor Paige

 Some of the Elegant Ladies of RCSA and Treasurer Nicholas: (from left) Dir. Ammesha, Rtr. Paulette, Dir. Shaloy, Rtr. Melissa and Rtr. Paige

MC Dania Beckford

Guest Speaker Stephen Wittingham 

Mark and Rotaract Club of Liguanea Plains President Elect Tanya

New Rotaractor Melissa, Kevin and Sheldon
New Rotaractors

RCSA members welcoming the New Rotaractors

DRR Keitho and His District Representative from RCSA Candice, Austin and Mark

Vote of Thanks

Rotaractor Kursten delivering the Toast